Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sick Boy

Griffin was sick on Sunday and Monday. He kept falling asleep when he normally doesn't, wouldn't go to nursery, and cried a lot. So why, might you ask, is this blog worthy news? Because he threw up twice during those two days and both times was while he was sitting on Sterling's lap at the lunch or dinner table. After he did it the second time Sterling asked me if I thought he was doing it on purpose. Poor Sterling. I am so happy he did barf at home in the kitchen and not in the car or at church.


Kara said...

feel better soon little guy. Hugs.

Maggie said...

Poor little guy. And poor daddy. Looks like you guys had fun with Hillary in town!

Amy said...

Awwww! Poor Griff- I just want to give those pink cheeks a kiss!