Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Four in One post

This is a four in one post.

Number 1: Saturday was our 6 year anniversary. We spent the day together but didn't do anything exciting. We figure some years it's nice to keep it low key.

Number 2: I cut my hair. I'm still not sure if I like it or not. I like some things about it and others not so much. I meant to just cut it to my shoulders but I was so close that I decided to just donate it and they had to take 10 inches so the resulting haircut was dealing with what was left and trying to keep it long enough for me to put in a pony tail per my request. I don't have a good picture of it right now, I will post one later I promise.

Number 3: Mother's Day. Sterling and the kids made me breakfast in bed then the kids helped me eat my breakfast in bed. It was a beautiful day. I am very grateful to be a mother.

Number 4: Here is another Mesha drawing that was so cute I had to scan it. She says it is a picture of herself.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Yeah for fun posts! I want to see your hair, its been a long time since you have had anything but long hair. We love Mesha's drawing, what a big girl. Hope that you had a fun anniversary. The small celebrations are sometimes the ones that you will remember the most.