Monday, November 8, 2010

And Thus It Begins

Look what we woke up to this morning. Mesha was so excited it took her all but 5 minutes to break me down and convince me to put her boots on so she could go touch it.
It's hard being the little brother.

Mesha wanted some snow to eat. Griffin wanted pretzels. Together you have wet, soggy pretzels.

It has already melted but it is a sign of the times. My initiation to New England is about to begin.


Laura said...

It's currently snowing here too. I feel your pain! :(

Amy said...

:) No snow in Iowa yet. Just thought I'd let you know. ps Griff looks SO BIG in these pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Yah, no snow here in PHX AZ yet either. In fact it is supposed to be in the 70's all week. :)

Anonymous said...

P.S. Arizona doesn't bother with the whole day light savings time thing either. Just sayin, ya know if you guys ever want to move somewhere :P Just don't ask me about the summers.

Kara said...

We got some snow today kids were happy and I am happy at the thought of Oregon and no snow.

Mindy said...

Good Luck with the cold. It has been raining here like crazy. Shocking, I know.