Accidents: 0
Successes: 5 (3 of the #2 kind and 2 of the #1 kind)
By looking at the stats you would think that we had a great day. Not so. Our day started out with the three #2 kind successes but they didn't come without a lot of crying and fear. She was in serious pain because she didn't go at all yesterday and her poor little tummy hurt. Going on the toilet really freaked her out and it took 3 different visits to get it all out.
As for the two #1 successes they didn't come till 6:30pm and 7pm. She held it in ALL DAY. Even through her nap. She was in so much pain but would not for whatever reason use the toilet. That can't be good for her body. I know it's not good for her happiness. When we tell her it's time to sit on the potty she cries. When she is about to lose it she begs for a diaper. I don't have enough patience for this. My heart can't stand to see her so freaked out and in so much pain. I know it will get better (it has to) but I just don't know when and I hope that I can do what it takes to make my lovely little girl feel good again.