Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Birthday Girl!

Mesha turned 3 on Sunday! I can't believe it. Where does the time go? Here are a few pictures of her Pony Party (Mesha says "Coney Party").

The Pony cake. It didn't turn out like I wanted it too but it's not bad. Mesha LOVED it. In fact, it didn't make it past 10 am before I had to repair it. "Mmmm, good coney Mommy!"

The party decorations. It looked a lot more pink in person. I decorated Saturday night and when I was done Mesha made a late night escape (not uncommon unfortunately) and was so excited she could barely go to sleep.

The party. We had both sets of Grandmas and Grandpas ("Paka" is Mesha's interchangeable words for them), Mo, Dad, Griffin, The Stuards, Aunt Katie, Aunt Laura, and Sterling's Uncle and Aunt over to celebrate! Mesha opened all her presents by herself this year, what a big girl. She got LOTS of horse things including a horse purse, a big white barbie horse (minus barbie herself), and a little baby horse. She also got some puzzles, dresses, giant coloring books, a Pixar book with figurines, and a Sally car. Mesha is in heaven. Her biggest worry is which present should sleep closest to her at night.

The blowing of the candles. I am holding her hands down because when we started to sing to her she got shy and hid her face. But she blew them out by herself! The true sign of a big girl.

I sure love that little girl of mine. The best part of this day was seeing how much she loved everything. I live to make her happy. Here are some things about Mesha that make me smile: When she looks in the mirror she says she has black eyes (she is looking at her pupil). She loves to play in the backyard. She loves horses. She repeats the things I say a lot- it helps me to know what I am doing right and wrong as a mother. She calls me Mommy. When she is looking for her dad she will often yell "Ster?" She LOVES nursery. She is a good eater. She is a semi good sleeper. I am the official Mesha translator, no one can understand her like I can. When we drive by the temple she yells "Mommy, sing!" She calls any tall pointy building a temple (like the Disney castle and lighthouses). She loves to read books. She is getting to be such a sweet big sister. She loves colors. She has snake hips (I have to take in all her pants). Her lovely face. Her zest for life.

We love you Mesha!


Kara said...

Happy Birthday Mesha, we miss you! Looks like you had a great day, wish that we were there to help you celebrate.

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday Mesha. Now I understand why she loves Gracie's giant pink horse so much!

Kari Cheney said...

Birhtdays are so fun!!! I think The cake looks great!!!

MarieC said...

I love how she bounces down the aisle when your family comes to church each Sunday.