Cue the sad music, get a tissue, and get ready to feel bad for me. Sterling is doing "Cat Duty" in Connecticut (yes, the exact office he just left a few months ago) due to the surge of Superstorm Sandy insurance claims. He's been gone for over a week now and won't be back for another 9 days (But who's counting? Oh yes, I am. I even have a count down chain. I told Mesha it was for her...) I know that a lot of women spend a lot of time away from their husbands. I still don't like it and I don't think I will ever be ok with it. It's my party and I'll cry if I want to. But I did resist writing this self-pitying post until just now and all 3 of my children are still alive. For now. Feel bad for me yet? That's ok if you don't, I'll feel bad for me enough for the both of us. He will be home for Thanksgiving, I will end on that positive note.