Monday, June 15, 2009


We all knew this day would come. Mesha broke her arm on Saturday. She was playing on a folding lawn chair and it tipped over. Her arm was on the bottom of the pig pile of her body and the chair. It took me a couple hours to be convinced it was something worse than a bad bruise. We took her into instacare and she screamed most of the time. She did NOT like people touching either arm so every exam room we entered and every doctor, nurse, or tech that approached her initiated another freak out. It took both Sterling and I to hold her down to get x rays and her splint put on. We have an appointment on Wednesday to get a cast put on. Until then I have to try to keep this cute little dino sling on. Having a broken arm hasn't slowed her down one bit. She is still climbing all over everything. I know accidents happen but I can't help feeling like the worst mom in the world. I almost cry every time I look at my tiny little girl in that sling. It's cute and the most pathetic thing at the same time.

"Say cheese"!

She loves the diosaurs.


Mindy said...

What? I just spoke with mom and she didn't say anything!!! Hope Mesha feels better.

the Smith's said...

Poor lil Mesha... hope she is a quick healer and back to her shenanigans in no time. And you are a terrific mother so don't beat yourself up! :)

MarieC said...

Poor Mesha! I was watching her in Sac. Mtg. and thought the same thing, it hasn't slowed her down one bit. Don't worry, these things happen. I told Sterling on Sunday about how my sister took her eyes off of her 9-month-old son for one second and he flipped off the changing table and broke his LEG.

Anonymous said...

Kierst!! I want to see your children SO BAD! Mr. G West looks NOTHING like he did when I saw him last! He looks just like Ster it's insane!!! That and Meesh's sling is so dang cute :) Oh and I like your shirt, where oh where did you ever get it!? *Cough my closet cough* :)

Love you!! OH and Neil must LOVE tummy time with G ;)

Eric and Laura said...

Poor little thing! You are NOT the worst mom - accidents happen. Just be thankful it didn't happen sooner. I broke both of my arms by the time I was 5...makes for some great stories. :)