Tuesday, February 18, 2014


It's been a while since I have blogged, I've been MIA. That can only mean one thing right? That's right, I'm pregnant!

I'm 14 weeks along, I've been incredibly sick, we don't know if it is a boy or girl yet but we will find out, and baby is due mid August. So other than me laying on the couch wondering why I've done this to myself again, here is what we've been up to.
Christmas was great!
I took a total of 4 pictures on Christmas Day.  That's how awesome I felt.
The kids loved their presents and the vacation from school.
Mesha loves her new rainbow loom.
Griffin is into Star Wars, Angry Birds, Star Wars Angry Birds, and Angry Birds Space.  Just in case you wanted to keep up with all that!
The level of cleanliness got so bad at our house that Sterling decided it was high time Mesha learned how to vacuum.
My mini baby bump. It doesn't look so impressive in this picture but it really is starting to come along nicely.
Snow day!  We have had 5 days off from school from two different snow storms here in Charlotte.  Make up days are no fun but I like this kind of snow that only lasts a few days before it melts.  Oh yes and it gets warm in March here.  Yay for the south!
Happy Valentines Day!
Mesha had her first sleep over.  I may have cried a little bit when she left.  I blame pregnancy.  Good thing it was at her friends house one street over.  Baby steps.  She had blast!

I am beginning to feel better and hope to be back to "normal" in a few weeks.  I'm kind of excited to clean my dirty, dirty house.  I'm not so excited to cook again.  I have to give Sterling a huge shout out.  He has been working full time at home (which is hard enough as is) as well as making us lunch and dinner and doing all things kid related including bed time, baths, diapers, fights, etc.  He has been superman the last 10 weeks.  He deserves an award!  Thanks love!