Monday, July 20, 2009

Just Plain Cute

I love these two boys. That's all there is to it.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Yay for me! Thanks for a great day family, I loved every minute of it!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mariners Game

We went to a Seattle Mariners baseball game last night. Sterling had never been to any kind of professional sporting event. It was LDS night so we got to sit by all sorts of Mormons. This means the beer guy came by once and only once and we didn't have to tolerate the annoying drunk people. We did have to tolerate the millions of kids however, but my two where part of the mayhem so it wasn't so bad.

Me and Griff. We cheered really hard for Griffey. Get it? Griffin, Griffey. Go Griff!

Mesha and her favorite person. She was so wiggly. I think we might wait till she is a little older to take her to something like this again.

Griff didn't make it till the end. Good thing Aunt KK is nice and snugly to sleep on!

Our cousins came with us! We love our cousins!

Big Boy

Being 4 months means all sorts of fun things including the exersaucer! Yay for self entertainment!
Look at that handsome man in the mirror!
Griff also enjoys the Bumbo for short periods at a time. We will have to build up to it I guess.

Mesha is living a second babyhood. What am I to do with her?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

He Rolls!

Griffin just rolled over for the first time today. Tummy to back. I pulled out the camera and he performed perfectly! That's right, you are witnessing the second roll EVER by little Griff! Yay Griffin!