Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Tonight for F.H.E. we made a pie. I helped Mesha measure and add the sugar to the crust and she "helped" me roll it out. What a cute little family!

Ward Halloween Party

Our ward's Halloween party was this last Saturday. Mesha was a pricess (duh), I was an albino Geisha, and Sterling a last minute football player.

Mesha LOVED the carnival games. Her favorite was the bowling. Except she didn't use the ball. It was much more effective I think.
Mom and Mesha :)

Pumpkin Patch

Our anual playgroup trip to Oak Glen was so different from last year. Last year it was cold and beautiful, this year was hot and the pumkins were on the squishy side. Mesha is so big I can't get over it. A year ago I had to prop her agaisnt the pumpkins to take a picture and this year she was doing her best to pick every single one up.

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's official

I'm a blogger. I hope the few happenings of our little family don't bore any of you to death. I will try my best to keep this thing going and updated. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. Anyway, check in on us from time to time and don't let this become a reason to not call or e-mail me or I WILL remove it! ADB, I hope this makes your day!