Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Griffin is 3!

We love our Griffin!  We had an all-day party beginning with present opening after breakfast.
Another Thomas the Train birthday!  I was counting on something new this year, like cars.  But hey, this way I didn't have to buy a new table cloth or hats!
We watched home videos of the day Griffin was born.  Griffin wanted to know why "baby Grissin" was crying so much.  Tell me about it.  At lunch we lit up the candles and ate cake.

Before dinner we went bowling!  The kids really did have a fun time despite what you see in these photos and videos.
It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to.
Go, Daddy go!
 We finished off with a McDonald's dinner complete with balloons.  It was a great day.  What a big handsome boy.

Griffin at age three:
~LOVES trains and 'Cars'.  Favorite trains: Thomas, Percy, Toby, James, and Diesel 10.  Favorite Cars: "Daddy McQueen" and Mater. 
~Is strong willed.  Like his mom.  We have stubborn stand-offs all the time.
~Has a huge head, makes for better kissin'.
~Looks just like his Dad.
~Loves stuffed animals, especially his cats and Nemo.
~Loves nursery.  He is the king and does whatever he wants (and thus gets brought to me a lot...)
~Loves the Grinch, especially the parts about a seasick crocodile, Cindy Lu Who and roast beast.
~Likes to high five a "tigert"!
~Is an EARLY riser.
~Eats like a champ.  Even better when has ketchup to dip in.
~Copies every little thing his sister does and loves her the most.
~Sings the songs from the movie Rio and Thomas the Train all day long.
~Chews on his shirt or other things since we took away the binki.
~Has the best smile (and a devilish look in his eye...)
~Can be bribed to do most things for candy or ice cream.
We love you Griffin, happy birthday!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Little Miss Wants To Crawl

Anya really wants to crawl.  You can practically see her thinking "Come on body, go!"

Handsome Little Devil

Can you believe that this handsome little devil will be 3 next week?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sittin' Pretty

Anya is learning how to sit up.

Her mom likes to pose her for silly pictures.  She is getting so big.

Tooth Number Two

Mesha lost her other loose tooth!  This one came out during sacrament meeting.  What a big girl I have.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Mesha lost her first tooth!  We were shopping at Target and it was dangling by the skin (it flapped when she talked!) so I told her to twist it and out it came!  I think the initial gush of blood caught both of us off guard but she was so excited that it was no big deal.  Last night the tooth fairy left some money under Mesha's pillow!  What a big girl!  I wasn't expecting my 4 year old to loose her teeth but our dentist said it isn't anything to worry about.  That's good because the tooth right next to the one that fell out is seriously loose too...